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Trademark Policy

We hope you will enjoy our market- and community spaces and we really are looking forward to giving our full support to our clients and partners. However, certain use of our intellectual property may create confusion. Hence, in order to avoid misunderstandings below we explain how you can or cannot use and responsibly share WinG MEE AB´s Trademarks. This policy is a part of our Terms of Use. By using any of our services, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use.


OBS! For issues regarding intellectual property not owned by WinG MEE AB, for instance, the intellectual property of our partners, please read our Intellectual Property Policy.



1. WinG MEE AB´s Marks

Identifiers such as logos, designs, words, and graphics that identify WinG MEE AB as a source of a product or service constitute WinG MEE AB´s intellectual property. We put a lot of effort into building our company and our reputation and we see it as our job to protect our brand and related trademarks. 


2. Policies for using the Marks of WinG MEE AB

To prevent confusion about our relationship with you, we also must protect against the occasional unfair and improper uses of our Marks. You are not permitted to use WinG MEE AB Marks (or confusingly similar marks), in whole or in part, in a way that suggests a relationship with us that isn't quite right. For example, you are not allowed to pretend that you are employed by WinG MEE AB or speak on behalf of us. 

Using the official WinG MEE AB logos, such as on business cards or other promotional products, is generally considered a commercial use, and can be particularly confusing. We do not permit the use of our marks without prior written approval from WinG MEE AB.


We are all for a legitimate and truthful commentary. When you mention WinG MEE AB, please spell and capitalize “WinG MEE AB” properly (not “wingmee” or "WINGMEE AB"). 


We are excited about our members' success and encourage them to collaborate, for example, by organizing a shared seller event, holding workshops together, or taking advantage of shared marketing opportunities. Although we are happy to participate in such activities, we must be careful with the use of our brands, as these types of events are commercial activities and we want you to be the one who gets the appreciation for your hard work. Therefore, we like to see that it is YOUR brand that is at the forefront of YOUR events and work. You may not use the same mix of colors and fonts that together represent WinG MEE AB.


Some DOs

  • Feel free to share our URL

  • Feel free to share your experiences about WinG MEE AB

  • Use a clear disclaimer that your content or event is about WinG MEE AB, not by WinG MEE AB.




Some DON'Ts

  • Please don’t use WinG MEE AB´s Trademarks in ways that are misleading, defamatory, unlawful, or as part of violations of our policies, or otherwise objectionable to us.

  • Don´t use the official WinG MEE AB logo without our permission, particularly on things like merchandise.

  • Don´t use our official logos on your business cards.

  • Don´t use our marks as your social media username or profile photo.

  • Don´t create content that mimics or uses our site’s look-and-feel.


The above rules apply when you're creating your own event involving our community or when you advertise your business or your shop.


Published on July 25, 2024

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