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I write and share my knowledge and experiences about Business Management & Entrepreneurship, Career & work life, and the basics of tech. My services are also tailored to provide practical support in these areas. Additionally, I also offer tips & advice on enjoyable activities
for your Entertainment.

Hi there,

Welcome to my website! You've stumbled upon my little corner of the internet, and I'm thrilled to have you here. This is a space for inspiration, entertainment, and self-development. If you're curious about who I am, and what I have to offer, you've come to the right place. The main purpose of my website is to provide a holistic picture of me, as both a private and a professional person. It seeks to manifest and showcase both my personal and professional life in a comprehensive manner. Along with a brief summary of my education, work experience, skills, and accomplishments, here you find an overview of my ongoing projects and businesses. However, this is not all since I also prepared a blog for those who just can´t get enough of me. ;-) My blog, MonkeyMind, has multiple purposes. It reflects on and touches on several subjects. It will be about everything and nothing at the same time. MonkeyMind is all about sharing my thoughts, experiences, and knowledge, and thus, aims not only to entertain but also to educate the readers. It is fully packed with exciting, and stimulating content and covers everything from lifestyle and entertainment to career planning, work life, entrepreneurship, marketing, and business management. In the blog section, you may find articles considering simple tech advice, and writings about my everyday life, hobbies, and interests. I'll also be sharing hands-on tips, know-how, and even tips on some extra-earning opportunities. Hence, while the website is primarily intended as a platform for developing my own personal brand, it also aims to amuse, inform, and inspire. In addition, here on the website you also find information about my companies, WinG MEE AB and GHT AB & and a web shop with many thrilling objects to purchase. So now that you found ´my space´, whether you're here to learn, be inspired, or just to have a bit of fun, you'll find something to love on my website. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your stay!


Have fun & Let our journey begin!

Gertrúd Windberg MSc - The owner of RediscoverHungary & the MonkeyMind blog
Brandy cat is chilling.

Dear Future
In the past, I faced many challenges. I´ve been ´hit´, not once but many times. I shouted, I crawled, I cried. I lost hope. But I tried and tried again and again. And I learned… learned that life can be harsh and challenging, but so can you ´darling´. So don´t forget this, because WE build the FUTURE, here and now. Together we can create an economically sustainable future.

© Gertrúd Windberg & WinG MEE AB


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Foggy Pier

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”

- Coco Chanel

"Every website has a story" has been said, so here comes mine.

This is me

I was born in Hungary, and during the ´90s I moved to Sweden. Currently, I live in a suburb of Stockholm called Sundbyberg. In 2015, after a long journey, I got my master's in business administration, and just four years later, I started this website with the simple aim of creating a personal website for all my friends who want to learn more about me. However, with time I realized that the site also could serve a higher purpose. Hence, I developed it to reflect my own knowledge and experiences of work life, business, and entrepreneurship. In 2020 I founded WinG MEE AB and in 2022 GHT AB & Today I own and manage both businesses.


I love animals and, as you might already understand, first and foremost cats. Other interests of mine include reading, playing badminton, meditation and yoga, visiting museums, galleries, restaurants, and cafés, and going to the movies. I also enjoy listening to music in various genres. I am a curious and open person who thinks that trying and learning new things is exciting.

Gertrúd Windberg business economist, blogger & entrepreneur with her cat; Brandy

Do you want to know more about me? Please click here:

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